Now published - Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World, edited by Tyler Franconi (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplemenatary series 104).
The volume contains papers from the 2014 Oxford Roman Economy Project conference on “Shifting fuvial landscapes in the Roman world: new directions in the study of ancient rivers”, held at All Souls College, Oxford.
1. Introduction. Studying rivers in the Roman world
T. V. Franconi
2. Watery perspectives: a Roman view on rivers
B. Campbell
3. River adjustment to change: the Rhône in France during the Roman period
J.-P. Bravard
4. Environmental risk in the Lower Rhône valley: high water levels and foods
Ph. Leveau
5. High chrono-stratigraphical resolution of the harbour sequence of Ostia: palaeo-depth of the basin, ship draught and dredging
J.-P. Goiran, F. Salomon, C. Vitori, H. Delile, J. Christiansen, C. Oberlin, G. Boeto, P. Arnaud, I. Mazzini, L. Sadori, G. Poccardi and A. Pellegrino
6. Pater Rhenus: the hydrological history of Rome’s German frontier
T. V. Franconi
7. Geoarchaeology of ancient harbours in lagoonal contexts: an introduction
C. Morhange, N. Marriner, G. Bony, C. Flaux, M. Giaime and M. Kouka
8. Rivers, wadis and climate in North Africa: torrents and drought
A. Wilson
9. Gift of the Orontes: fuvial landscapes of northwest Syria in late antiquity
M. Whiting
10. 360 days of summer: experiencing the fuvial in Egypt’s Fayyūm
B. Haug
11. A second Nature? The riverine landscapes of the Romans
N. Purcell