The OUP and the editors intend that the series should have a life above and beyond the limits of the project and are keen to encourage the submission of book-length manuscripts on appropriate subjects in the general area of the Roman economy. These need not be confined to the constraints of subject-matter or chronology defined for the Oxford project itself.
All manuscripts submitted for consideration will be subject to OUP’s normal procedures: assessment by external experts in the field and approval by the Board of Delegates of the Press. Further details are available from Alan Bowman or Andrew Wilson, to whom enquiries or manuscripts (in hard or electronic form) should be sent in the first instance.
For those working on a monograph that will be published in the series or on a chapter in one of the series edited volumes, please use the OSRE housestyle guide.
A Zotero output style for the bibliography was developed by Nicolas Monteix.
An EndNote output style for the bibliography is also now available.