Dr Jerome Mairat left the project in January 2016 in order to concentrate on other research projects, including Roman Provincial Coinage Online, as a Director, and on the digitization of the coin collection of the Ashmolean Museum, as eCurator. He created the project's database and led the creation of the project's web application. He also imported the data of several thousand hoards from numerous sources. He remains editor of the proceedings of the conference 'Coin Hoarding in the Roman Empire' (15–16 September 2016) to be published in the series Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. He is curator in the Heberden Coin Room at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. His research focuses on the Roman coinage of the third century AD, imperial and provincial. He is a joint author of Roman Imperial Coinage, volume V.2, AD 268–276 and of Roman Provincial Coinage, volume IX, AD 249–254 (London and Paris, 2016).