Introduction: Approaches
1. Quantifying the Roman Economy: Integration, Growth, Decline?
Alan Bowman and Andrew Wilson
Part I: Urbanisation
2. Urbanisation as a proxy of demographic and economic growth.
Elio Lo Cascio
3. Response to Elio Lo Cascio
Roger Bagnall
Part II: Field survey and demography
4. Archaeology, Demography and Roman economic growth
Wim Jongman
5. Peopling the countryside: Roman demography in the Albegna Valley and Jerba.
Elizabeth Fentress
6. Peopling ancient landscapes: Potential and problems.
David Mattingly
Part III: Agriculture
7. Quantifying Egyptian agriculture.
Alan Bowman
8. Response to Alan Bowman
Roger Bagnall
Part IV: Trade
9. Approaches to quantifying Roman trade
Andrew Wilson
10. Approaches to quantifying Roman trade: Response
Michael Fulford
11. A comment on Andrew Wilson: ‘Approaches to quantifying Roman trade’
William Harris
Part V: Coinage
12. Coinage and metal supply
Bruce Hitchner
13. Roman silver coinage: mints, metallurgy, and production.
Matthew Ponting
14. Some numismatic approaches to quantifying the Roman economy
Chris Howgego
Part VI: Prices, earnings and standards of living
15. Earnings and costs: living standards and the Roman economy.
Dominic Rathbone
16. How prosperous were the Romans?
Bob Allen
17. New ways of studying incomes in the Roman economy
Walter Scheidel