Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World

Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World


Edited by Andrew Wilson and Miko Flohr

Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy, Oxford University Press, 2016.


This volume, featuring sixteen contributions from leading Roman historians and archaeologists, sheds new light on approaches to the economic history of urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman world, with a particular emphasis on the imperial period. Combining a wide range of research traditions from all over Europe and utilizing evidence from Italy, the western provinces, and the Greek-speaking east, this edited collection is divided into four sections. It first considers the scholarly history of Roman crafts and trade in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, focusing on Germany and the Anglo-Saxon world, and on Italy and France. Chapters discuss how scholarly thinking about Roman craftsmen and traders was influenced by historical and intellectual developments in the modern world, and how different (national) research traditions followed different trajectories throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The second section highlights the economic strategies of craftsmen and traders, examining strategies of long-distance traders and the phenomenon of specialization, and presenting case studies of leather-working and bread-baking. In the third section, the human factor in urban crafts and trade—including the role of apprenticeship, gender, freedmen, and professional associations—is analysed, and the volume ends by exploring the position of crafts in urban space, considering the evidence for artisanal clustering in the archaeological and papyrological record, and providing case studies of the development of commercial landscapes at Aquincum on the Danube and at Sagalassos in Pisidia.

For more information, and to order, visit the Oxford University Press website.




Part I: Approaches
1: Roman Craftsmen and Traders: Towards an Intellectual History

Miko Flohr and Andrew Wilson

2: Twentieth Century Italian Research on Craftsmen, Traders, and their Professional Organizations in the Roman World

Carla Salvaterra and Alessandro Cristofori

3: The Archaeology of Ancient Urban Workshops: A French Approach?

Jean-Pierre Brun

Part II: Strategies
4: Mercantile Specialization and Trading Communities: Economic Strategies in Roman Maritime Trade
Candace Rice
5: Driving Forces for Specialization: Market, Location Factors, Productivity Improvements
Kai Ruffing
6: Fashionable Footwear: Craftsmen and Consumers in the North-West Provinces of the Roman Empire
Carol van Driel-Murray
7: Contextualizing the Operational Sequence: Pompeian Bakeries as a Case Study
Nicolas Monteix
Part III: People
8: Disciplina, patrocinium, nomen: The Benefits of Apprenticeship in the Roman World

Christel Freu

9: Women, Trade, and Production in the Urban Centres of Roman Italy

Lena Larsson Lovén

10: Freedmen and Agency in Roman Business

Wim Broekaert

11: The Social Organization of Commerce and Crafts in Ancient Arles: Heterogeneity, Hierarchy, and Patronage

Nicolas Tran

12: Hierapolis and its Professional Associations: A Comparative Analysis

Ilias Arnaoutoglou

Part IV: Space
13: Working Together: Clusters of Artisans in the Roman City

Penelope Goodman

14: Spatial Concentration and Dispersal of Roman Textile Crafts

Kerstin Dross-KrĂ¼pe

15: Industry and Commerce in the City of Aquincum

Orsolya LĂ¡ng

16: The Potters of Ancient Sagalassos Revisited

Jeroen Poblome

Wilson & Flohr Urban Craftsmen